Delaware Adolescent Program, Inc.

Young women have many educational/life choices in the event that they become pregnant. However, many adolescent girls and their families still prefer the intimate environment and personalized attention that the Delaware Adolescent Program, Inc. (DAPI) provides.

The DAPI is the only statewide comprehensive school based program serving pregnant and parenting teens and their families. DAPI serves the community with the following programs: Academic Instruction, Social Services, Child Care, On site therapeutic counseling and Health Services.  The JLW helped in the founding of DAPI in 1969.

As part of our current focus on empowering young women to achieve their potential, we have been working with DAPI to renovate its facilities, as well as planning programs and events to help the young women participating in their program prepare for a happy and successful future.

JLW Members work on renovations at DAPI.

Renovations at DAPI included decorating lockers with inspirational messages.

Recent projects with the JLW and DAPI include:

  • Renovating the common room with furniture and painting
  • Painting stairwells
  • Renovating bathrooms
  • Installing locker panels and wall decals
  • Hosting a Family Portrait Day
  • Clothing and baby item donations
  • Care packages with personal items for DAPI Daughters

The JLW held a Mothers Day Family Portrait event for DAPI Daughters and their children and families.

At the Family Portrait event, JLW volunteers and DAPI Daughters made personalized photo frames.

The Spring 2017 Provisional Class made care packages for each of the young women served by DAPI with both essential items and special treats.